Post by Oblivion on Jun 9, 2011 23:17:10 GMT -5
~._-*Your pathetic existence is in an atrocious and frightful obscurity, where the painful darkness surrounds you. Your extreme self-loathing and hating abomination consumes you. You have been placed, in the darkness, without any resistance. You feel comfortable, as you drift in the darkness. You are down deep in the subconscious, of a madman. It's cold and it is quiet. You feel at home, in the dark. You are in the bowels, of the darkness. There are no distractions. There are no clicking, moaning, hissing, or groaning from The Gathering. There are no giggles, from the sexual deviant young ladies, known as The Vixen. Just the soothing sounds inside your head, swirling sounds of screaming chaos. Tearing right through the obscurity, are meatsacks from the unknown. They have reappeared, from the past of the insanity, that is Stephan Johnson. They have invaded into your disturbed realm of consciousness.
Ripping through the sick and twisted reality, the psychiatrists of Stephan Johnson's past, have been pursuiting Oblivion. Those idiotic, nonsensical know it all's, want to destroy Oblivion, tossing Stephan into the Hell, that is known as P.H.A.S.E. The Monster known as Oblivion, will not let that happen. Oblivion cannot take the chance of getting caught, to set any traps, to lure in the doctors. Nothing would be sweeter than the blood, dripping off your lips and hearing those nuisances screaming out in horrific pain. Their screams, their fear, would give the skin, of Stephan Johnson, goosebumps. The taste of their entrails, would be an euphoric stimulation of excitement. Once you explore the Cerebral Cortexes of Dr. Jones and Dr. Davis, you realize the intelligence of those two doctors. But, it's their intelligence they are using as a smokescreen. Those quacks are searching for Stephan Johnson for "his own protection".....*.-_~
Dr.Davis: Is it very important that we find Stephan Johnson and bring him back to The Facility and place him into the P.H.A.S.E.(Psychological-Housing-Assessment-Susceptibility-Environment) program. We need to dissect Oblivion out of the corpus callosum(the part of the brain that joins the left and right halves of the cerebral cortex).
Dr.Jones: Due to the trauma that Stephan Johnson endured from the horrific death of his wife, Stephanie, Stephanie developed a psychotic break and Oblivion was created. Then, when you add in the fact that Stephan was not taking his psyche meds. Then when you continue to analyze the other circumstances, that effected Stephan's psyche, such as one trauma, Stephan endured as Ace Slaughter.
Dr.Davis: Stephan Johnson developed control under the identity of "Superstar" Ace Slaughter. But, when Stephan stopped taking his medications, that's when Oblivion started to appear.
Dr.Jones: Then when the effects of not taking the medications was taking effects, the worst case situation happened. When Stephan was living his life only as Ace Slaughter, Slaughter and his Society was out during one of their "outings" They were attacked by some thugs, that ended up Melissa being physically assaulted. That's when Oblivion had NO choice, but to take over and protect whatever was left of Stephan Johnson's sanity!!
Dr.Davis]: That is why it is very imperative we get Stephan Johnson back to The Facility. We have the technology to help him. But, it's that... that disgusting Monster, that is standing in our way!! We must find a way to bring that disgusting creature down to it's knees, so we can save Stephan Johnson.[/color]
~._-*What those doctors are not grasping, despite their vast knowledge, they are forgetting the fact that... Stephan Johnson belongs to Oblivion, not some crackpots who have their own personal agenda. The true story, just like any other governmental conspiracy, the Federal Government is not telling the truth. The real truth is, The Facility wants to save face. They cannot understand how someone can go through The Program of Normalcy and still have severe mental problems. The Facility are given millions of dollars through Governmental grants. And if they cannot "save" Stephan Johnson, it makes them look like failures and.... THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT HAVE THAT!! They must silence Stephan Johnson. But, Oblivion, will not let that happen.
Through the ashes of the past, Melissa and Mini Oblivion have came back. Once tossed aside, like garbage, Oblivion are bringing them back, to control the masses. Oblivion usually craves chaos, even when it's not in IT's advantage. There is a time, in the spinning ball of fiery mass, called the universe, when enough is enough....*.-_~
~._-*Melissa has now seized, taking control of the leadership of The Vixen. It's a match made in Hell. No other crazy bitch can take that roll. If anyone knows how to teach one to be a scary bitch, it's Meliisa. Another major transformations is in order and that is for Mini Oblivion. To take over The Gathering, the human exterior has to be ripped away. The painful experience of euphoric agony, will have to be climatic. It is the only way for Mini Oblivion to transfer from the human realm, into the world of The Gathering. Things have changed since Mini O has left. New ways of The Gathering, have to be learned. There is a new way of living, in the world of Oblivion. That will take time to learn. The world around Oblivion is under control. There is balance, in the world of Oblivion. No matter what happens around Oblivion, it's how The Dark One reacts to it. That's the key, to this whole situation. How Oblivion walks into the barbaric hardcore championship, at Blast.
The darkness slowly begins to fade away, but with resistance. Loud horrific screams occur when the darkness slowly dissipates. Torturous screams, of pain, echoes throughout the surrounding area. As, the darkness fades away, a loud shriek bellows out...*.-_~
Shriek: NO-O-O-O-O-O!!![/color]
~._-*Oblivion is seen sitting alone, sitting quietly with IT's eyes closed. Calm. Breathing deeply. Then a whisper...*.-_~
Whisper: Oblivion...[/color]
~._-*The eyes of Stephan Johnson open quickly, Oblivion is now aware. Without moving a muscle, Oblivion looks around. No one, but the whisper happens again...*.-_~
Whisper: Oblivion...[/color]
~._-*That one, caught Oblivion's attention. that time, Oblivion gets up to one knee and waits for another possible whisper. Like clockwork, another whisper echoes...*.-_~
Whisper: Oblivion...[/color]
~._-*Now, Oblivion gets up on IT's feet and starts to really look around. where is the source of the voice. A small breeze blows through and it catches a bunch of fallen leaves. With in like a small miniature twister, the few to several leaves begin to rotate, as the whisper expands to a small sentence...*.-_~
Whisper: Oblivion, it's time to wake up. I don't have to tell you, but you know who I am. I know you, Oblivion. You may not be able to see me, but I can feel you, Oblivion. You are hardcore!! In one capacity or another, that body you are inhabiting, has held that Hardcore Championship, twice. Coming up at Blast...THIS IS YOUR ENVIRONMENT!! YOU OWN THIS!! A GOD DAMN HARDCORE MATCH FOR THE F*CKING HARDCORE TITLE!! You are facing Reckless Jack, a former World Heavyweight Champion and that miserable piece of human waste, Phillip Baines! You know the battles that we have been through!! Don't let this slip through your fingers. Have you been hearing what people have been saying?!? UNACCEPTABLE!! UNF*CKINACCEPTABLE!! Your name, should be rolling out of their mouths, not Baines and surely not that freak Reckless Jack!!
Come Sunday, I want blood to flow like a river. I want their blood on your hands. I want you to make sure there is a feast for your children, after the match, with their flesh!! You understand me Oblivion!![/color]
~._-*Where is that voice coming from?! Oblivion is now spinning around in a controlled frenzy. The eyes of Stephan Johnson are practically bulging out! But, the spirit of a complete lunatic is oozing out!!*.-_~
Oblivion: YOU WANT BLOOD, I'LL GIVE YOU BLOOD, AT BLAST!! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO!! SHOW THE MASSES OF DOUBTERS AND HATERS, OUT THERE THAT OBLIVION IS STILL HARDCORE!! TIME TO GET MEDIEVAL ON THEIR ASSES!! The definition of hardcore has not truly been defined, except for a few occasions. In a few days, at Blast, WCF, you will see a brand new definition of HARDCORE!! There will be no conspiracy, there will be a victory for Oblivion. The Dark One will take back, what Oblivion truly lives for and that is for the Hardcore Championship!! Baines, Oblivion is gonna show you, how wrong you are about Oblivion!! By, the end of the match, YOU will be the coawrd!! You will be the one begging me, f*cking begging me, on your knees to not take it too far. When it's all said and done, don't blame me, for what is about to happen to you and Reckless Jack, blame everyone else in the WCF!!
They're the ones doubting Oblivion. They're the ones, putting the fire under The Monster's ass!! That's all the motivation Oblivion needs. All it was... DOUBT!! Now, I have the motivation to prove all you motherf*ckers wrong!! Bloodshed will be the theme of the match!! Mayhem will be the appetizers. Chaos will be the main course. An finally, desert... BLOODSHED!! Oblivion is gonna paint the entire RING... WITH YOUR BLOOD, gentlemen and Oblivion says that very loosely!! Calling you men, is a God damn insult to the rest, of the roster of WCF!! We are hardcore wrestlers. We are the bottom feeders, of the company!! They carnage, in the ring, you bet your bottom dollar, that is exactly what they are gonna receive!! IS OBLIVION EXPLAINING ITSELF CLEARLY ENOUGH FOR YA, WCF?!?!
At Blast, three competitors walk into the ring, only one is walking out and that will be Oblivion!! Oblivion knows the world of Hardcore. Baines, you're holding the championship, some say this is just a springboard for you to go on to better things. Fine!! Get diostracted, makes Oblivion's job a whole lot easier. The eyes of The Monster is on that Hardcore Title. Oblivion will do everything in IT's power to take it away from you and keep Reckless Jack away from it!! Despite, what people say Reckless Jack, you don't scare The Dark One at all. Maybe, you're the one who should checking under your bed, at night. Remember... REMEMBER!! Oblivion is desperate man!! Desperate men do desperate things!! Oblivion has only one agenda and that is to win!! Screw you both, you two are only bags of bone, full of red ooze. Oblivion wants to see if your blood glitters in the arena's lights. How much pain can you handle before it makes you scream out!! How much will it take, to make you scream out IT's name!!
At Blast, you two will Oblivion's bitches!! It's time to crown a new King of Hardcore and that will be Oblivion!! Your true Monster of Hardcore....OBLI-I-IV-V-VI-I-IO-O-ON-N-NN!!! With that...[/color]
~._-*Oblivion gets face deep into the camera. With a complete crazy look, in his eyes, Oblivion screams out...*.-_~
Oblivion: ....CHOKE... ON... THAT... BITCHES!!![/color]
~._-*The gust of wind returns...*.-_~
Whisper: That's more like it!![/color]