Post by Caliban on Jan 19, 2016 5:15:02 GMT -5
The following You tube video and accompanying article where uploaded to
Punkin Caliban currently on a week off doing some spot shows in the name of WCF in the UK decided to give one member of the audience the job normally reserved for currently held captive WCF camera man Johnston "Frankie" Jones, all will be explained in the video below
We open on a video shot on what looks like a camera phone from a wrestling crowd, Punkin is in the ring breathing heavy after a match as a 600 person sold out Yorkshire crowd chants WCF, Punkin somehow seems to spy the person taking the video and grabs a mike
Punkin: HEY! HEY YOU!
He jumps out of the ring and hops the gaurd rail walking right up to the fan and pulling off his mask revealing Jordan Caliban's face but the deep orange glow of the Punkin still resides in his eyes
Punkin: I don't have my normal guy here to do this so you will have to do, I want this video on youtube by the time this show ends you understand me?
The guy behind the camera can be heard yelling yes as the crowd around the WCF star is going ape shit, Punkin asks the crowd to quiet down into the microphone then goes back to the camera as the crowd chills out a bit
Punkin: Before I got in the ring tonight someone showed me what's been happening on twitter, what's been said already between Dag and Z-mac, and quite frankly for the 100 something tweets and meme's and vlogs and shit we have seen already I can only say one thing, WHO GIVES A FUCK!
He shouts the last part into the mike and gets the crowd going with an old UK acid house chant
He calms the crowd again and goes back to talking to the phone
Punkin: Let me make one thing clear to both of you, all the big talk, all this shit about selling pay per views and putting butts in seats, how Dag is telling us like every other dumb fuck to walk in the door this week that he is the future of this company and anyone who came before him is the past, Dag you have made NO impression in this company, those big victories, those statements you have made prove you are on thing only and that is a survivor, YOU SURVIVED A BATTLE ROYAL! YOU SURVIVED ME! Hell you even survived a couple of weeks ago when I was the one pinned instead of you, too bad you where the one on your back at the end. But Dag this isn'e Butt Fuck Nowhere Pro Wrestling this is WCF and you need to prove you can do a hell of a lot more than to simply survive if you wanna be half the man you claim you will be in this company. SPEAKING OF PEOPLE LAYING DOWN ON THEIR BACK LIKE A WHORE CHARLIE SHEEN AND JAY PRICE WOULD'NT EVEN SPLIT THE BILL ON!
The WCF heavy crowd starts a chant for Mr Every Title as Punkin laughs and starts talking into the mike letting the crowd keep chanting
Punkin: Z-Mac you total and utter wretched piece of toilet waste, you face of failure cunt, this is elementary, when something happens 3 times in a row it ain't coincidence and it sure ain't luck the only difference is Mac this time when I put you the fuck down it will be for your prized jewel
As he starts to talk about the IT title the crowd goes hush again
Punkin: Z-Mac this isn't between me and you or even me Dag and you, it's about me and the Internet title, it's about me having the ability to walk to the ring with it as my property to pull out my dick and take a piss on it live on PPV at Fifteen, it's about me getting to live a Stone Cold fantasy and toss the fucker off that bridge. Get it into your heads gentlemen, you are fighting for a belt that won't exist in 6 months, not after I am done with it
He drops the mike and tells the guy to make sure and upload the video and he will comp him some seats next time WCF comes to the UK, something he has no authority to do but the guy behind the phone doesn't know that, the video ends there
So there you have it WCF fans, coming up this week on slam Seamac puts his internet title on the line against Punkin and Dag Riddick just one week from Sunday, stay tuned to twitter we are sure these gentlemen will have plenty more to say
All views exhibited in the previous video where the views of Punkin Caliban not the owners or management staff of WCF
Punkin Caliban currently on a week off doing some spot shows in the name of WCF in the UK decided to give one member of the audience the job normally reserved for currently held captive WCF camera man Johnston "Frankie" Jones, all will be explained in the video below
We open on a video shot on what looks like a camera phone from a wrestling crowd, Punkin is in the ring breathing heavy after a match as a 600 person sold out Yorkshire crowd chants WCF, Punkin somehow seems to spy the person taking the video and grabs a mike
Punkin: HEY! HEY YOU!
He jumps out of the ring and hops the gaurd rail walking right up to the fan and pulling off his mask revealing Jordan Caliban's face but the deep orange glow of the Punkin still resides in his eyes
Punkin: I don't have my normal guy here to do this so you will have to do, I want this video on youtube by the time this show ends you understand me?
The guy behind the camera can be heard yelling yes as the crowd around the WCF star is going ape shit, Punkin asks the crowd to quiet down into the microphone then goes back to the camera as the crowd chills out a bit
Punkin: Before I got in the ring tonight someone showed me what's been happening on twitter, what's been said already between Dag and Z-mac, and quite frankly for the 100 something tweets and meme's and vlogs and shit we have seen already I can only say one thing, WHO GIVES A FUCK!
He shouts the last part into the mike and gets the crowd going with an old UK acid house chant
He calms the crowd again and goes back to talking to the phone
Punkin: Let me make one thing clear to both of you, all the big talk, all this shit about selling pay per views and putting butts in seats, how Dag is telling us like every other dumb fuck to walk in the door this week that he is the future of this company and anyone who came before him is the past, Dag you have made NO impression in this company, those big victories, those statements you have made prove you are on thing only and that is a survivor, YOU SURVIVED A BATTLE ROYAL! YOU SURVIVED ME! Hell you even survived a couple of weeks ago when I was the one pinned instead of you, too bad you where the one on your back at the end. But Dag this isn'e Butt Fuck Nowhere Pro Wrestling this is WCF and you need to prove you can do a hell of a lot more than to simply survive if you wanna be half the man you claim you will be in this company. SPEAKING OF PEOPLE LAYING DOWN ON THEIR BACK LIKE A WHORE CHARLIE SHEEN AND JAY PRICE WOULD'NT EVEN SPLIT THE BILL ON!
The WCF heavy crowd starts a chant for Mr Every Title as Punkin laughs and starts talking into the mike letting the crowd keep chanting
Punkin: Z-Mac you total and utter wretched piece of toilet waste, you face of failure cunt, this is elementary, when something happens 3 times in a row it ain't coincidence and it sure ain't luck the only difference is Mac this time when I put you the fuck down it will be for your prized jewel
As he starts to talk about the IT title the crowd goes hush again
Punkin: Z-Mac this isn't between me and you or even me Dag and you, it's about me and the Internet title, it's about me having the ability to walk to the ring with it as my property to pull out my dick and take a piss on it live on PPV at Fifteen, it's about me getting to live a Stone Cold fantasy and toss the fucker off that bridge. Get it into your heads gentlemen, you are fighting for a belt that won't exist in 6 months, not after I am done with it
He drops the mike and tells the guy to make sure and upload the video and he will comp him some seats next time WCF comes to the UK, something he has no authority to do but the guy behind the phone doesn't know that, the video ends there
So there you have it WCF fans, coming up this week on slam Seamac puts his internet title on the line against Punkin and Dag Riddick just one week from Sunday, stay tuned to twitter we are sure these gentlemen will have plenty more to say
All views exhibited in the previous video where the views of Punkin Caliban not the owners or management staff of WCF