Quick web interview with Jordan Caliban before the bell
Sept 1, 2013 19:21:55 GMT -5
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Post by Caliban on Sept 1, 2013 19:21:55 GMT -5
We are with the camera man making his way down a corridor to Jordan's dressing room, inside there is loud heavy screaming music pounding from the walls, the camera man waits for a break in the screaming and hammers on the door
WHAT! (the music lowers) Who is it I'm trying to get ready it's only the biggest night of my career
The door opens and the music can be heard vaguely in the background
Ah Mikey I forgot you were coming by
It's Dave but yeah thank you for taking the time out of your preparation to talk to me for WCF.com, so Ill make these quick first off, some people say you are ignoring tonight's challenge and are going after the prize instead of the task it rewards
Yeah I heard that shit too, look me and Eli we have done this before, we respect each other and we like each other, what did you guys want me to do? Kiss his ass on the internet for a week, no Eli mostly left me alone and I mostly left him alone, we will shake before and after this match tonight I am confident of it. Eli Kid good luck, you really are going to need it.
OK so why go after the man who signs your pay checks? I know he is the IT champ and all that but you don't even have that shot yet, your immunity doesn't kick in till you become the number one contender, he could fire you from the stage before the bell rings tonight, it's the kind of thing he would do, you know this.
Honestly mate that's just what I do ha ha
Caliban smiles his cocky smile and a hooka pipe tube comes out of nowhere, he takes a toke and carries on
Look at it this way, When Chris Jericho Debuted on Monday Night Raw in 1999 do you think it mattered who he was or what he said? No what mattered was that Chris Jericho his first night EVER in the company interrupted the man who in 1999 put the stamp on his ticket to becoming the biggest effing superstar this sport of nerds, bastards, giants and dwarves has ever seen? He basically walked up to the Rocks door step took a dump on it, rang the door bell, let rocky answer then lit the thing and stood there with a smile on his face. The rock made a fool of him that night but Jericho has not been a lower carder since that night, I don't intend to be one here. Eli once again good luck, Eric try not to crap yourself to much IF I am named the number one contender to your title, sorry Mikey we are done
He slams the door in the interviewers face and the video ends