LOL There was a new era last year, thats them "invaders."
Then Seth Gambled the company away in mexico, shit went backquids until he could pull it back in enough to roll the company back over into the states.
But you fools are the new era? 4 of Waylon Cash super Fans, the fucked up identity disorder of Greyson Pierce, Thomas " I will never be Odin Balfore" Bates and you; Adrian Archer?
Like 6 dudes with a bank account balance of 7.50 between you? Couldnt even get a decent meal at Arbys but you want to challenge me to a fight to prove that I am everything that I say I am? Why don't you go buy the WCF Network for 10.01 a month ( LOL I'll spot you broke azz kneegrows ) and get caught up on that Odin Balfore Library. Go get yourselves caught up on that Corey Black Library, that Joey Flash Library, that Wade Moor, Jared Holmes and Johnny Rabid Library.
Go get aquainted with them "invaders" as that Pussy ass Bates wants to call them ( LOL because they wouldnt suck his confederate flag pole and they make him feel sad [ because he fucking sucks] ).
If you ( LOL fuck you Archer) want a match against me, why don't you climb that fucking mountain and earn yourself a match against one of the very best in this business. Fucklin Pleb bitch, cryin on the keyboard- bleeding his heart out to the fucking world because WE THE REAL WCF have not spoon fed you a fucking career.
Yah, thats why you, the Jaggabros, Bates and his band of gear bag jockies hate me and the Pantheon collective. We tell you to earn your shit and we aint about to let you walk into the fuckin Dub and "take over"
Incase you havent noticed, but we kill people around here.We drop fuccboi FGTs like you and your Jaggabros and your Brotherhood of Prose Wrestlers on your fucking heads and send you fucking packing.
So please, go to your local coffee shop, circle your little Internet Wrestling Community of wanabe wrestlers and 'wrestling experts.'
and cry to me sum more over the fucking Internet Thread on how ya'll be hardcore badasses if only you were given the fuckin chance.
Fuck you.